Linda Farron Knapp –Estate and Elder Law Attorney
Attorney Linda Farron Knapp brings two decades of legal experience and a wealth of community contacts to her business, estate, elderly and disabled clients. Linda writes “Boomer Briefings”, a featured column in Mature Times a monthly magazine published by the Aiken Standard. She is also the author of A Guide to Informal Probate in South Carolina.
She is currently past-chair of the Solo/Small Firm Section of the SC Bar and understands the needs of small business owners. Attorney Knapp gives free legal seminars on simple wills, IEPs and special needs trusts, special needs and living trusts, Medicaid and VA benefits, probate, heirs property, the changing face of family law, and health care directives to business and professional groups and various community organizations and churches. Attorney Knapp is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, National Organization of Social Security Attorneys, Elder Law Answers, and Veterans Advocates Group of America. She also has served on the SC Bar Family Law and Elder Law Committees.